3d package design renderings are a great way to iterate design options and communicate with stakeholders. Great products are at the center of every successful business, but the first thing your customers will see is your packaging. As traditional marketing and advertising channels are becoming less and less effective – packaging has become more than pure function. Product packaging is a communication platform for your brand values and a way to connect with your customers on an emotional level. How your packaging is designed says a lot about your business and it can change the customers perception of the brand. Consider what your packaging is saying about the product. Times change. Even the biggest brands need to refresh packaging to stay current.
Enter the 3d renderings. Studio2a can create 3d package renderings from engineering models or create completely custom designs from sketches, specs, or virtually any description. 3d product renderings provide brand owners a new way to shorten point of sale development and artwork approval cycles. Even better agencies can save money typically spent on mock-up prototypes and expensive studio photography.
3d package design renderings are fast and flexible. Designers can create multiple iterations of a digital mockup in nearly real-time. Changing colors, or swapping brand graphics in 3d is not only faster, but could save tens of thousands of dollars in expensive physical prototypes. In addition, working in 3d ensures that both the packaging design and artwork are technically correct and no surprises come up in production.
3d package rendering mockups are an invaluable tool to help your brand showcase it’s products more efficiently than ever before. With over 20 years of experience in the 3d rendering business, Studio2a has the expertise and the know-how to accurately represent virtual package designs your brand can use. Don’t miss this opportunity to create a lasting impression in the minds of your customers.